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Avoid applying heat to the waxed area for 12-24 hours post service.  This includes hot baths, saunas or any form of steam.  Avoid intimacy as well.


Avoid sun tanning 12-24 hours. This includes any strong UV light exposure or tanning bed treatments.Avoid applying SPF sunblock to the area for 12-24 hours. Sunscreen chemicals can be irritating, including self-tanning products and tan accelerators.


You may use anti-acne lotion for face, back or chest following the treatment but please follow the product usage suggestions until breakouts are gone.  An anti-acne product recommended by your skin care professional or MD is preferred.  Please remember that MD instructions are primary and should be followed above anything suggested by the skin care therapist. 

*I strongly suggest using the Green Bump Cream if you do experience any breakouts and be sure to keep the waxed/sugared area clean and dry.  I recommend corn starch, potato starch etc (natural or organic, preferable) as a drying agent

When applying the Green Bump cream, use a clean Q-tip to apply - don't double dip, leave on overnight and remove in the morning with cool water, rose mist spray, or some form of gentle water source.


Love's Haven offers for purchase the PRETTY KITTY COLLECTION, which is a Rose Hemp Yoni (vaginal) cleanser, Clay Polishing Exfoliating bar made from kaolin clay, lemon peel, oatmeal and other nourishing ingredients and last but not least, our Rose Mist Cooling Spray!  All specially formulated for freshly waxed skin; maintenance to keep it soothed and protected.

Rose Hemp Yoni bar is specific to the vaginal area and is an excellent gentle, nourishing cleanser post-sugaring. Suggestion: use the Rose Hemp Yoni bar from day 1 of sugaring and use as frequent as desired.

The Clay Polishing Bar is not suggested for inner labia or eye area use.  Use this 2-3 days post-sugaring.  The Polishing bar is an excellent exfoliant for the top pad of the mons pubis area and everywhere else desired on the body.

Rose Mist Cooling Spray and Aloe Botanical Mist are great to apply anywhere, anytime, especially on freshly sugared areas!  Just spray and let dry or spray, leave a few minutes and dab dry with a clean cloth.

(check out the Sugaring Pre - Post page for ingredients and a duplicate of instructions).


Avoid applying fragrant products to the area of hair removal. This includes perfume, scented body lotions, antiperspirants, cosmetics, or feminine hygiene spray. Only use recommended professional products.


Avoid using harsh abrasive or exfoliates in the hair removal area. However, if you are prone to ingrown hairs, the day after your service you may begin exfoliating the area with the Polishing Exfoliation Bar, a loofah or dry brush to avoid any problems.


Any pinking of the skin should disappear within 6-8 hours after treatment.  Slight pinking is normal and indicates the hair was removed from the root, rather that broken off, as in shaving.

For best results, repeat your hair removal service every 4-6 weeks, depending on the area and you individual hair growth rate.

If you have any questions about your service or after care instructions, please contact your skin therapist asap.


*Please either use the Clay Polishing bar, loofah or natural hair brush on the desired body part prior to hair removal.  This helps lift any hairs adhering to the skin and allows for a more pleasant sugaring or waxing experience. 




  • Active infection of any type, such as Herpes simplex virus or flat warts.

  • Active acne (We have enzymatic treatments that are friendly for these skin types)

  • Sunburn

  • Recent use of topical agents such as glycolic acids, alpha hydroxy acids, RetinA and such.

  • Chemical peels

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

  • Eczema, dermatitis

  • Skin cancer

  • Vascular lesions

  • Cardiovascular conditions

  • Oral blood thinners

  • Rosacea (We have enzymatic treatments that are rosacea friendly)

  • Tattoos

  • Pregnancy (We have enzymatic treatments that are  pregnancy friendly)

  • Accutane in the last year

  • Family or personal history of hypertrophic scarring or keloid skin (We have enzymatic treatments that are friendly for these skin types)

  • Telangiectasias/erythema may be worsened or brought out by microdermabrasion. (We have enzymatic treatments that are friendly for these skin types)



  • Avoid aerobic exercise or vigorous physical activity until all redness has subsided.

  • Direct sunlight exposure is to be completely avoided following treatment including tanning beds or UV light exposure.  If sun exposure cannot be avoided, apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30-50 for a minimum of 2 weeks. Think hats with brims and limiting activity to the cooler parts of the day.

  • Cleanse your face with water and/or a mild cleanser.

  • The skin care specialist can recommend home products and post-treatment care.

  • Any reactions, if worrisome or bothersome, please contact your doctor immediately.

  • Please inform the skin care therapist as soon as possible. 

  • Otherwise, contact the skin care therapist if any questions arise post-treatment.

Always let the skincare therapist know of any physical ailments, conditions, allergies, prior negative experiences or new developments prior to any and all appointments.

There may be times when the skincare therapist will require an MD note providing permission before certain services can be performed.

Contraindications to Henna or Lash/Brow Tint:

  • Inflammation of the eyelid or the surrounding area

  • Sunburn

  • Botox (within 2 weeks)

  • Chemotherapy

  • Pregnancy

  • Skin diseases, abrasions, or lesions

  • Recent microblading or tattoos in the area (must be fully healed and confirmation by the tattoo artist is recommended)

  • Accutane, doxycycline, and epiduogel or their derivative (consult with prescribing physician)

  • Current steroid use (consult with a physician)

  • Conjunctivitis

  • Hypersensitive skin/eyes

  • Alopecia

  • Under the age of 16

  • Check with their doctor if the client has had:

    • Past chemotherapy

    • Past eye or skin conditions

    • *   *   *

    • Post-Care

    • Do not rub the treated area

    • Avoid getting the brows wet for 24 hours

    • Avoid the heat treatments for 24hrs

    • Avoid sunbathing for 24hrs

    • Avoid using exfoliation products on the brows

    • Avoid directly cleansing the brows for 24 hours post treatment

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